Published: • Author: Sarah Hugo

EUDiF Future Forum Conference 2022

Diaspora Investment

In May 2022, Sarah Hugo, a Senior Consultant at DMAG, took part in a Roundtable at the European Union’s Global Diaspora Facility’s (EUDiF) ‘Future Forum’. The Roundtable focussed on enhancing diaspora investment, and what the role is for diaspora and governments.

Sarah joined experts Sona Kalantaryan and Dr. Simon McMahon from the European Commission’s Knowledge Centre on Migration and Demography, as well as Ms. Stella Opoku-Owusu, Deputy Executive Director, AFFORD; Ms. Na Ncube, Director, Enaleni Community; and Mr. Killion Munyama from the The European External Action Service (EEAS).

Given Sarah’s experience working with governments in diaspora investment and diaspora engagement, Sarah was presenting and sharing examples as to the role and support that government can give in supporting the diaspora to investment back home; quoting -   “Successful diaspora investment engagement is really about successful diaspora engagement.”

Please see the conference report here.

